Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Mondays when you wake up at 5.35am are my new favourite.

The kind of monday when you get dressed without thinking and you grin at the open blue sky and a day of happiness and action stretched before you. We wiped benches, set tables, ate breakfast, collected plates, washed dishes, mopped floors, folded towels, dried cutlery, took down tents, packed away chairs, walked up and down steep hills, caught up with best friends, expressed gratitude for morning tea at 9.15 and lunch at 11, said more goodbyes and got a lift home in a car full of the friendliest of friends.

The kind of monday when you can play piano all afternoon, eat left over sandwiches & banana bread, catch up on facebook & tumblr and text your boyfriend. The kind of monday when you're eating salad and chops for dinner with the family and it feels like you've all packed 3 weeks in to the last 3 days and the talk around the dining table is mostly about how awesome our God is. Mondays when your feet hurt from walking all day and your back hurts from sleeping on uncomfortable beds and your hair needs washing and your suitcases need unpacking and your nanowrimo needs writing and you're grinning like an idiot because you're so happy and you only want life exactly like this.


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